Mari Serre S.r.l. – Loc. Torre, 1 – 89050 Feroleto della Chiesa (RC) – P. IVA 02134000807 Tel. e Fax +39 0966 996464 email:

Mari Serre Srl
Mari Serre Ltd is involved in the planning and construction of agricultural greenhouses, solar PV
greenhouses and metallic structures of various finishes, made from the finest quality steel.
Mari Serre Ltd is a market leader in Italy, in the construction of agricultural and solar PV
greenhouses with more than 20 years experience in the industry.
The attention given to even the finest details means that every structure is the result of careful
planning, taking into account not only the structural constraints but, above all, the individual needs
of the customer.
Professional staff, both in the head office and in construction, form a strong team, where planning
is tightly monitored to ensure it is at the forefront of cutting edge construction techniques.
Mari Serre Ltd was the first Italian company to exhibit solar power generating greenhouse at the
Solar Convention in Verona in 2009, in fact the company proudly participates in all major trade fairs
held in Italy, especially in the field of renewable energy.
Today Mari Serre Ltd is responsible for the supply of more than 40 MW of PV Greenhouses
distributed throughout Italy, so now the company’s objective is to extend their business to foreign
markets, which is why Mari Serre Ltd, in addition to having taken part in the Geneva ‘EFEF”
convention in 2011, has also participated at WFES, an international trade fair held in Abu Dhabi
between 15th and 17th January 2013, where the company presented a 1:15 scale PV greenhouse.
This idea attracted enormous interest from all the fair’s visitors.
With this system, the greenhouse has a dual function, it both aids the cultivation of agricultural
products and guarantees an income from the sale of generated electricity.
As Mari Serre’s agricultural greenhouses demonstrate a successful product in the Italian market for
more than 20 years, it is not in by chance that the company has worked on behalf of the Ministry of
Justice, numerous agricultural institutes and laboratories.
Instead abroad on behalf of the Albanian state, Mari Serre Ltd has implemented a state of the art
facility at the University of Agriculture in Albania. In addition Mari Serre Ltd is also always involved
in seminars concerning the development of foreign trade and is in collaboration with both ANIE
(National Federation of Electro-technicians) and ICE (Institute for Foreign Trade). It holds the ISO
9001 certificate of quality and provides together with all its structures, associated certification for
materials, calculations for both the structure and its foundations, together with data related to
wind and snow loads that the structures are able to withstand.

Il Nostro Team
Il nostro team è composto da esperti nel settore della costruzione di serre, con una vasta esperienza nella progettazione, costruzione e manutenzione di strutture di alta qualità. Siamo appassionati del nostro lavoro e ci impegniamo a fornire ai nostri clienti i migliori prodotti e servizi possibili.

Rocco Scoleri
Amministratore delegato
“Sono Rocco Scoleri, amministratore della Mari Serre srl. Da sempre appassionato di natura e coltivazione, ho deciso di trasformare questa passione in un’attività che potesse aiutare gli altri a coltivare in modo efficiente e sostenibile. La nostra azienda nasce dalla volontà di offrire soluzioni personalizzate e all’avanguardia per la costruzione di serre, contribuendo così a un futuro più verde.”

Francesco Mari
Responsabile Innovazioni
Francesco Mari nasce con un’idea imprenditoriale che riflette i fabbisogni dei contadini ed allo stesso tempo, applica l’evoluzione tecnologica che fa parte ormai del proprio essere, l’unica sfida è quella di raggiungere un prodotto agricolo a ZERO pesticidi, da circa 10 anni sviluppa insieme al suo team prodotti per l’idroponica.